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Keinton Mandeville

Sculpture 11 - Hungry for Plastic

Hungry For Plastic.

We chose a squirrel because some squirrels have been harmed by litter. A few weeks ago I saw something that made me think of plastic as a terrible thing. It was a squirrel caught up in plastic packaging, unfortunately I could not save the poor creature. We called it this because many animals are suffering from plastic pollution, not just ocean creatures.

This is what we used to make our squirrel: wire mesh, bottle caps, plastic bottles, plastic bags, wire and a ripped up Tesco bag. We used the wire mesh to shape the body and tail, wire for the ears and attaching the legs and arms to the body. We also used a large lemonade bottle for the snout, bottle caps for the eyes and a gold plastic bag to partly cover the ears. Green plastic bags were used to cover the body and tail. We also used bottles for the legs and arms.

We really enjoyed making this squirrel, we put a lot of effort into it; it was challenging at some points, but we got there in the end. We are sad it’s over but we’re looking forward to finding our squirrel in the sculpture trail.

By Isla and Tilly