"The school enriches the curriculum with a good range of activities at lunchtime and after school, including the very popular sports clubs. The school makes good use of visits, visitors and links with other schools to enhance the curriculum and bring it to life". Ofsted 2012
As a school we believe that the children's learning is enhanced through real-life experiences, whether these are visits out into the 'real world' or through visitors coming to our school. All classes aim to take part in at least a termly visit out and there are many opportunities for children to experience a range of visitors, such as drama workshops, professionals such as police etc, individual 'character' visitors such as Brunel etc and many others!
The school also provides a rich variety of activities which take place during lunchtimes and after school. Most of these are run voluntarily by members of staff with the help of parents on occasions. We also invite specialist sports coaches into school to work with the children on these occasions, a small charge may be made.
At various times during the year, clubs on offer include; netball, basketball, football, tag rugby, athletics, gymnastics, art & craft, gardening, singing, Lego-robotics and hockey.
Children are regularly involved in representing the school at tournaments and local events.