OsPREY CLASS 2024 - 2025
Welcome back to our newly formed Osprey class of 2024-25! We have an exciting year planned and I know the children are going to work hard to try and achieve their very best and continue to use the core values in their everyday school life. Please contact me in the first instance if you have any questions or concerns and I will be very happy to talk to you.
Please find below, an overview of some of the routines and procedures for Osprey class.
Weekly homework: Reading at least three times per week please and reading records are due in on a Thursday. The responsibility for bringing the record in is on the child as they are in Year 5 or 6. Signing this ensures your child or children receive part of their Golden Time.
TT Rockstars – The expectation is either to complete 3 x 3 minute sessions or 9 x 1 minute sessions over the course of the week. This will also be checked on a Thursday. Please encourage your child to take part in this as it is vital that times tables are practised regularly.
Please note that Year 6 homework will change in the run up to SATs and there will be a requirement for children to carry out revision activities that will be detailed each week on Parentmail. We will notify you of this nearer the time.
Autumn 2 - MTP Autumn 2
Maths The children will be continuing fractions for another few weeks and then will be revising multiplication and division, which will include long division. The daily times table practice and expectation of TT Rockstars will remain the same. The children will also be practising their arithmetic skills on a weekly basis.
English Our focus text continues into the start of this term and we will be using it to write newspaper reports and using our knowledge of formal writing to achieve this. After this , the children will move on to a two-week poetry unit which will link to our Geography focus of 'climates.' We will explore some environmental poetry and attempt to write some of our own. Whole class reading will also continue as well as spelling revision and grammar skills.
Geography After our extended history topic has been completed, we will undertake a four week unit on 'Climates'. This will cover different climates in the world as well as looking at what climate change is and how it can affect weather patterns. The children will also be looking closely at how climate change may have been a factor in significant meterological events.
Science Year 5 will be learning about 'Forces' this half term with Mr Jesshop and Year 6 will continue to learn with Miss G; this time we will be looking at 'Light' which includes how light travels, how we see, reflection and shadows.
DT This half-term is a textiles unit and we will be designing and constructing our own Christmas (advent) calendars. The main focus will be on how fabrics can be joined and how to attach pockets, using the skill of sewing. We will practice how to use different types of stitch and work with a range of materials.
RE We return to Christianity, and we will be looking at 'God' and the relationship to Christians and their use of evidence to support belief in Him. We will also learn about the role of Christians as stewards of creation. We will continue to ask appropriate questions and respond to learning with respect, and an inquiring mind.
PSHE We will finish our Families and Relationships unit before moving on to 'Health and Wellbeing' which includes relaxation techniques, thinking about our future choices, the impact of technology on our health and taking responsibility for our own health.
Music This term, we are focusing on 'Classroom Jazz' and the unit will be centered around two tunes: Bacharach Anorack and Meet the Blues. We will be playing instruments and improvising.
Autumn 1 2024 /docs/Osprey_Class/2024/Osprey_class_MTP_24-25.docx
MATHS - We begin by revising place value for both year groups and will be regularly practising arithmetic skills and times tables to build confidence in these areas. We will move on to using formal methods within the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
ENGLISH - This term our reading focus will be on 'When the Sky Falls' by Philip Earle. This links to our history topic of WWII - The Battle of Britain. The text will also influence our writing, which will be both 'writing to entertain' and 'writing to inform.' We start with writing our own story openers, using a WWII context and move on to writing a short newspaper article. We will also have many other opportunities for reading, using a variety of supplementary texts. Every day we will revise key punctuation and grammar and we will be regularly practising spelling patterns are rules, which are linked to our 'Spell it out' board.
History - Our first humanities theme for the Autumn term is the 'Battle of Britain' and this will be extended over half-term. There will be a visit to Nothe Fort in November and we will forward details of this as soon as we have confirmed arrangements. The children will learn about WW2 and more specifically about the Blitz and evacuation. Our homework will also link to this.
Science - This half-term the theme for both year groups will be 'Living things and their habitats.' Year five will be learning about life cycles and Year six will be looking at classification systems and different types of species.
Computing - We start with 'Computers and networks' which focuses on the history of computers, notable computer scientists and code breaking (Bletchley Park). We aim to produce a simple audio advert using the given software.
PSHE - Families and relationships will be the focus for the first part of the Autumn term. This will include lessons on friendship, respect, resolving conflict, family life and stereotyping.
Osprey Class 2023 - 2024
Welcome back everyone to another academic year and a special welcome to our new year sixes and year fives who make up Osprey class of 2024!
Please find below, our overview of what is happening this half-term for each subject. Please be aware that PE is on a Thursday afternoon and swimming for Year 5 and selected Year 6 on a Wednesday morning.
Homework expectations
Weekly Homework Expectations for KS2 Children (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6)
Read 3 x weekly (more is always encouraged please) – Reading diaries to be signed to earn 10 minutes of Golden Time
TT Rockstars – The expectation is either to complete 3 x 3 minute sessions or 9 x 1 minute sessions over the course of the week.
Reading Diaries and TT Rockstars will be checked on: Thursdays
Summer 2 2024 - Osprey MTP Summer 2
Maths - During the last half of term, we will be looking in more depth at algebra and revising a few areas to consolidate curriculum coverage. We will also be undergoing a maths project, which encompasses a range of skills and a 'real-life' context. This links to the White Rose maths learning and will ensure that consistency in content and approach is maintained.
English - For the first few weeks, we will be demonstrating all that we have learned, about being writers and will create our own mystery story to showcase our skills. We will then go on to think about the range of reading that we have done this year and choose a book which will be reviewed in a written format. Our new book will be 'The Final Year' by Matt Goodfellow.
Art - This half-term will focus on 'Street art'. We will look at what this is, what types there are and how some forms can be controversial. We will study Banksy, Fairey and how they have chosen to represent their ideas and political viewpoints through their individual creativity.
Geography - We will be exploring 'The United Kingdom' in geography and looking specifically at the countries within it, key settlements; physical features; the changes within the UK over time and the particular features of a cities.
Science - The overarching area of science for this half term is 'Animals, including humans' and both year groups will be studying this. Year 6 will be looking specifically at the circulatory system, nutrient transportation and the effects of particular lifestyles on the body. Year 5 will describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
Music - Our music topic for this half-term is 'Music and Me' and features the work of four female contemporary artists, all living in the UK expressing themselves through music and with different cultural backgrounds. Children will learn about these artists and create their own musical identities through composing and performing their individual pieces.
PSHE - This half term will incorporate both mixed and separate year group sessions for PSHE. The focus is on 'safety and the changing body' which covers the following: online friendships and staying safe online; first aid skills; looking at the effects of alcohol and drugs and finally, puberty.
RE - Our attention turns to the Humanist world view for this half-term and we will learn about what it means to be a Humanist, why Humanism is not a religion, how Humanists live and considering other world views. We hope to have a Humanist speaker visit the school and take part in a classroom talk.
Summer 1 2024 /docs/Osprey_Class/Summer_Term_1_-_23_-24_MTP.docx
Maths - During this half-term, we will be focusing on angles, shape (3d shape and nets) and position and direction. Year 6 will also be revising previous maths content. Weekly arithmetic skills will continue to be practised for both year groups. Year 5 will continue with position and direction in the last week before half-term.
English - We will be looking at a picture book for our main writing focus this half-term. This is 'Leaf' by Sandra Dieckman and the whole-school will be using this text. Our outcome will be diary writing. For reading, we will be using a variety of high-quality sources, many of which will link to our history theme. SPAG will continue to be taught through our writing lessons and revision will be happening for all of Year 6.
History - For this half-term, we will be learning about 'The Windrush generation' and it's connection to the past and impact on present day society. There will be a visit to the 'M-shed' museum in Bristiol, as well as a visit to the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
DT - Bridges are our theme for DT and we will be exploring different bridge types as well as investigating the structures and design processes involved when building our own. We will look at pillar, truss, arch and suspension bridges (which ties in with our Bristol visit.)
Spanish - For this unit, we will be revising many of the key spanish phrases used when talking about and presenting ourselves. We will build up spoken language as well as our listening, reading and writing skills.
Computing - Due to technical problems last half-term, we were unable to complete our animation unit so we will be attempting this again!
PSHE - We will be finishing our citizenship work that we started before Easter and then moving on to an 'economic well-being' unit which focuses on how money is used in a real-life context, e.g. borrowing, income and expenditure and taking risks with money.
MTP - SPRING 2Spring 2 2024
Maths - In the latter half of this term, all the children will be revising fractions, decimals and learning about percentages. We will then move on to area and perimeter for everyone and Year 6 will then work on some algebra and Year 5 will look at statistics. Weekly arithmetic skills will still be practised and there will be maths assessments as the very end of term.
English - The focus on writing in the half-term will be persuasive writing and the children will work towards writing a persuasive speech based on a famous character. They will be given other opportunities for non-fiction writing such as interview questions, transcripts and writing a simple advert. Our Geography theme of 'Rivers' will link to the children's reading comprehension skills and we will continue to teach SPAG within the context of writing.
Science - Year 6 will be undertaking the final two sessions of their 'Electricity' unit before moving onto Evolution and Inheritance. Year 5 will be looking at 'Materials and their properties.' Science will incorporate both theory and scientific enquiry so the children are able to carry out investigations and experiments as well as learn the knowledge they require for the particular science topic.
Geography - The area we will be studying this half-term is 'Rivers.' We will be finding out about the features of rivers, the journey from source to mouth and comparing the River Thames with the River Brue and looking at the changes that have taken place over time. We will be visiting Bruton and walking part of the Brue's course and we are hoping to visit the art gallery there, which will link to our art unit of 'Housaki's wave.'
Computing This half-term is all about animation and we are going to be creating some stop-motion animations using the ipads. Children will learn the skills of decomposition and creating 'frames' for images. They will learn how to edit and improve their animations.
RE This term's focus for RE is Judaism and we will be recapping the synagoge and the general beliefs about this particular world religion. We then move on to holy scriptures, more specifically the Torah. Then we will look at Shema (prayer) and the festival of Simchat Torah.
Music This term we are focusing on the music of Benjamin Britten, an English conductor, composer and pianist. We will be studying 'A New Year Carol' and learning to sing and perform this piece. Alongside this, we will be appraising some of his other work and that of similar artists.
PSHE We are looking at citizenship in this half-term: Breaking the law, prejudice and discrimination, protecting the planet, contributing to the community, rights and responsibilities and finally learning about parliament and national democracy.
Spring 1 2024 - Spring 1 MTP
Maths - During this half of term, we will be continuing with fractions and while Year five will consolidate fractions further, Year 6 will move on to ratio and algebra. There will be regular practise of arithmetic skills for all children on a weekly basis.
English - This term, our focus will be 'writing to inform' and we will be finding features of formal writing. From this, we will be writing instructions, a non chronological report and linking to our Ancient Egypt theme by writing short biographies about Howard Carter. Our new class text also links to our history topic - 'The Red Pyramid' by Rick Riordan.
History - In the first half of this term, we are looking at the early 'Ancient Egyptian' civilisation and the key themes within this. We will learn about the significance of the River Nile, Egyptian daily life for different groups of people in society and the hierarchy within it; types of evidence that contribute to our understanding (Rosetta Stone, pyramids, hieroglyphics) and Howard Carter and his discovery of Tutankamun.
Science - Year 6 will continue with their topic of 'Light' and will look at refraction, reflection and colour spectrums. They will then move on to 'Electricity.' Year 5 will be learning all about Earth and space with Mr Jesshop.
Computing - This half term will be focusing primarily on creating music and sound within the programme of Scratch. We will also undertake some e-safety learning.
Spanish - As well as revising numbers, colours, days of the week, months and seasons, our main Spanish learning will be 'Los animales.' We will learn new vocabulary and build up our written skills, so we can write sentences and short paragraphs.