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Keinton Mandeville

Bereavement and Loss resources

During this challenging time, we are very aware that there is every chance that our school will be touched by bereavement and loss.  On this page, you will find a range of recommended web links, resources and our school bereavement policy.  We hope that some of these will help families in difficult times.  If there is anything that you think could be added or changed, please get in touch and we will endeavour to update the page as quickly as possible.

We now have a wide range of the books on the booklist below, for families to borrow, should this be necessary.  Please get in touch if you would like to access any of these resources; email either ht.sch202@educ.somersetgov.uk or send.kmps@educ.somerset.gov.uk .

Bereavement Support Policy

Websites to support bereavement and loss

Books to support bereavement and loss