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Keinton Mandeville

Remote Learning During A National Lockdown

During a National Lockdown, Remote Learning will be provided for all children through the Google Classroom platform.  This can be found at: www.classroom.google.com .  Each class has an individual page on which assignment and learning materials will be shared.  A daily video will introduce learning for that day and instruct children in what work should be undertaken.

Alongside Google Classroom, children may need access to the online resources below:

If you do not have either the equipment or suitable broadband connection to access these resources, please contact the school on ht.sch202@educ.somerset.gov.uk as we will be able to support you.

To support children's learning, paper packs will be available on a Monday morning for the work for that week. These can be collected from the foyer adjacent to the school office (please ensure social distancing is respected when collecting).  Request these by contacting Mrs Dorey on keintonmandeville@educ.somerset.gov.uk .

Please see below our Remote Learning Policy and parent guidance document for Google Classrooms.

Remote Learning Policy

DFE Remote Learning Information For Parents

Google Classroom Guidance

Coping With Lockdown - A COVID toolkit

Creating and 'Turning in' work

Using an XBox/Playstation to login to Google Classroom