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Keinton Mandeville

Safeguarding children

At Keinton Mandeville Primary School the health, safety and wellbeing of every child is our top priority. We expect all staff, Governors, parent/carers and visitors to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils.

Safeguarding the children at Keinton Mandeville Primary School is an essential part of our work, safe, confident, happy children make the most effective learners!

The designated members of staff for safeguarding are:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Jo Crook, Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Kelly Bird, Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Robert Jesshop

Designated Safeguarding Governor: Mr Steve Macabee

The aim of our Child Protection work is to safeguard and promote our children’s welfare, safety, health and guidance by fostering an honest, open caring and supportive climate. Their welfare is of paramount importance. Keinton Mandeville School fully recognises the responsibility it has under the Education Act 2002 and the contribution it can make to protect children and support them in school.  All staff involved with children (teaching and non-teaching) have a responsibility to be mindful of issues related to children’s safety and welfare and a duty to report and refer any concerns.

If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding, please contact a member of our safeguarding team above through the school telephone number (01458 223452) or email: head@km-ps.co.uk to log a concern. All concerns and reports are kept confidentially. 

Keeping Children Safe in Education (2024), Part One


We recognise that high self-esteem, confidence, supportive friends and clear lines of communication with a trusted adult helps all children, and especially those at risk of, or suffering from, abuse.

Keinton Mandeville Primary School will therefore:

Maintain an ethos where children feel secure and are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.

Ensure that pupils know that there are adults in the school who they can approach if they are worried or are in difficulty.

Include in the curriculum, activities and opportunities for PHSE/Citizenship, which equip pupils with the skills they need to stay safe from abuse.

Ensure that wherever possible every effort will be made to establish effective working relationships with parents and colleagues from other agencies.

Key Policies:

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-2025

Low level safeguarding concerns Policy 2024-2025

Online Safety Policy (March 2023)