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Keinton Mandeville

Sculpture 6 - Imprisoned in plastic

Imprisoned in plastic

Our sculpture was inspired by a picture of a seal tangled in plastic netting. We were very upset to find out that our precious animals are being harmed by what we have created. We decided to do an arctic seal sculpture to show that plastic pollution is spreading everywhere, even to the coldest places on earth.

We made our sculpture out of wire mesh and plastic we collected. The base of our sculpture is made out of the mesh wire and we filled it with white plastic bags so it looked like ice. The seals’ bodies are made of shampoo bottles and the eyes are made from black plastic that has been cut into circles. Then we weaved blue plastic bags around the edge of the wire mesh to represent water.

The reason behind us naming our sculpture ‘Imprisoned in plastic’ is because our sculpture has two seals,  one of which is entangled and the other is eating plastic .We thought imprisoned represents the fact that our animals are becoming extinct .


We had loads of fun making it and we are really happy with the results.



By Isobel and Alice