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Keinton Mandeville

Sculpture 8 - Engulfed



This is our message about plastic pollution. Plastic is bad and affecting the planet in every way; some plastic is not biodegradable and stays in the world forever. Some non-biodegradable plastics are: plastic straws, bottles, bags and more! Our school is trying its hardest to make people aware of plastic pollution. We went on a litter walk and have made sculptures out of plastic waste. Please read on if you want to hear about our sculpture

We chose to make a monster out of plastic to show how plastic has taken over our planet and will continue to unless we stop it now. We have created this sculpture to represent how much plastic has an effect on our earth. Our sculpture is engulfing our plastic model of the earth.

It is made out of plastic bags and straws because these are a big problem in plastic pollution. We shaped this sculpture using wire mesh and formed it into sphere. We made the earth out of wire mesh and lots of plastic bags. We hot glue gunned the extra accessories.

I hope this will inspire you to change the products that you use and to recycle and reuse as much plastic as you can.